
Guide To Buying a Diamond Engagement Ring

When planning to buy a diamond engagement ring, you will want to buy the best for your bride-to-be, but it may be the first time you have bought her jewellery and it is a pressure knowing this ring will be shown off to everyone. Our guide keeps things simple:

And Finally…

Spy on Her Style

If you want to surprise her and not go ring-shopping together, you need to become a secret agent and get some of the details right, since she’ll be wearing the engagement ring everyday for life. Find out what style she prefers by looking at the jewellery she wears most often. Does she wear gold more than silver or platinum? Is there a stone she wears a lot that she might prefer instead of a diamond? Does she like understated classic or big, glitzy styles? If you know she’s going to be showing off this ring to everyone, buy something big and sparkly. If she rarely wears jewellery, choose something simple like a solitaire. If you want something really special, a customised engagement ring from a contemporary designer will be uniquely hers.

To find out her style you could plan a clandestine trip to a jewellery store with her. Say you’re looking to buy some shoes, a shirt or something else and as you walk past a jewellers say that you want to drop in to look at watches (for yourself or for your Dad’s birthday… make up a believable story). She is almost guaranteed to start looking at rings. Make a note of what has her interest and perhaps say something casual like, “That’s a nice one” to gauge her reaction. Then go back to looking at watches, then leave.